Residential Property Specialists

Family run and independent since 1974

As managing agents, one of our top priorities is ensuring that the properties we manage provide safe, comfortable, and healthy homes for our tenants but this is even more critical in light of the UK government’s new guidance on damp and mould published at the end of 2023.

Here we will discuss how we have been responding to these changes and how we have enhanced our services to meet these updated standards.

1. Proactive Inspections and Maintenance

We have, and will continue to, increase the frequency and thoroughness of property inspections to identify signs of damp and mould early.

2. Enhanced Communication

Clear and effective communication is crucial in order to:

  • Educate tenants on the importance of reporting damp and mould issues promptly.
  • Provide detailed guidelines on how tenants can help prevent damp and mould, such as using proper ventilation and reducing indoor humidity.
  • Keep landlords informed about any reported issues and the steps being taken to address them.

3. Swift and Effective Remediation

Upon identifying damp or mould, we will:

  • Act quickly to investigate and determine the root cause.
  • Engage qualified professionals to carry out necessary repairs and remediation.
  • Ensure that both the affected areas and underlying causes (e.g., leaks, poor ventilation) are addressed to prevent recurrence.

4. Compliance and Documentation

Adhering to the new guidance involves meticulous documentation and compliance:

  • We will maintain detailed records of all inspections, communications, and remedial actions.
  • Compliance checks will be integrated into our regular procedures to ensure all properties meet the new standards.
  • Regular training for our staff will be conducted to stay updated on best practices and regulatory requirements.

5. Collaborative Approach

Addressing damp and mould effectively requires collaboration:

  • We will work closely with landlords to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities and the importance of investing in property maintenance.
  • Encourage tenant cooperation by ensuring they understand their role in maintaining a healthy living environment.

6. Regular Review and Improvement

We will regularly review these procedures and performance to identify areas for improvement:

  • Gathering feedback from tenants and landlords to refine our approaches.
  • Staying abreast of new technologies and methods for damp and mould prevention and remediation.


By adopting these measures, we aim to not only comply with the new government guidance but also set a higher standard for property management. Our proactive, collaborative, and technology-driven approach will ensure that the properties we manage are safe, healthy, and comfortable for all residents.

Through these efforts, we are committed to enhancing the quality of living environments and contributing to the overall well-being of our tenants.

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