Residential Property Specialists

Family run and independent since 1974

Mrs Spalding had been aware of Brian Marshalls for many years in her professional role accounting for one of our existing landlords. She had been using another Agent on her Woodingdean property for years, mainly out of convenience due to having a long term tenant in place. However, following notice from the tenant and given her increasing frustrations with the agent around their communication, rising maintenance costs and lack of personal experience she reevaluated her choice and decided to transfer management of the property to ourselves.

Challenges with previous lettings agent

  • Communication. Mrs Spalding experienced inconsistent communication and delayed responses from the previous agencies team. This left her often frustrated simply trying to speak with somebody about the property.
  • Overcharged maintenance costs and hidden charges. Maintenance was handled poorly, and contractor costs were extremely high. Mrs Spalding was aware through her professional role that there were cheaper options available for landlords.
  • Tenant Dissatisfaction. The previous management often neglected tenant concerns and caused the same frustrations for tenants trying to speak with somebody about issues.

Frustrated with these ongoing issues and already aware of our family-run approach and style, Mrs Spalding did not need to look around further and got in touch to discuss making the switch.

We visited the property with Mrs Spalding, agreed a revamp of the property, a rent and a timescale for re-letting the property. All relevant checks were made to update certification and ensure that the property was ready to re-let. It was as simple as that!


“I am really happy with the transition and the service received so far by everyone at Brian Marshall & Sons. Including their contractors that worked on getting the property ready for a new tenancy.

The communication is far better than my previous Agency. Their proactive approach and commitment has significantly improved my peace of mind. I feel confident leaving the property in their capable hands, allowing me to enjoy my leisure time and trips abroad.

I would highly recommend Brian Marshall & Sons to anyone looking for new managing agents. Their family-run nature make a world of difference.” – Mrs Spalding


We are always delighted to help Landlords like Mrs Spalding and whilst we appreciate many Landlords worry about the process of transitioning to a new Agent. We will manage this whole process on your behalf, ensuring everything is put in place correctly, whether the transition is made with or without existing tenants.

If you have a property and would like to find out more about our services, contact us today for a friendly chat.

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